Appearances and Interviews in the Media
National/International. PBS “Jim Lehrer News Hour”, ABC “Nightline,” ABC “World News Tonight,” ABC “World News Sunday,” ABC “Good Morning America”, NBC “Today Show,” NBC “Nightly News,” CBS “Evening News,” CNN “Inside Politics,” CNN “Headline News,” NPR “All Things Considered,” BBC, CBC, Religion and Ethics News Weekly (PBS), Reuters, Reuters America TV, Bloomberg TV, Press TV, Al Jazeera, Associated Press, Knight-Ridder, Gannet News Service, ABC Radio, CBS Radio, NBC Radio, Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, National Journal, Legal Times, National Law Journal, The Hill, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, L.A. Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Milwaukee Journal, St. Petersburg Times, Houston Chronicle, Newsday, Charlotte Observer, Atlanta Journal & Constitution, Philadelphia Inquirer, Minneapolis Tribune, Detroit News, U.S. News & World Report, Des Moines Register, London Independent, London Financial Times, Telegraph of India, Toronto Globe & Mail, Le Presse, Tokyo Shinbun, National Post of Canada, among others.