Mark J. Rozell is the author or co-author of thirteen books and editor of twenty books on various topics in U.S. government and politics including the presidency, religion and politics, media and politics, southern politics, and interest groups in elections. His latest books are:
The Changing Political South: How Minorities and Women are Transforming the Region. Oxford University Press, 2024 (with C. Bullock, S. MacManus, and J. Mayer).
African American Statewide Candidates in the New South. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022 (with Charles S. Bullock III, Susan MacManus, and Jeremy D. Mayer).
The New Politics of the Old South: An Introduction to Southern Politics (revised and updated seventh edition). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022 (edited with Charles S. Bullock III).
Catholics and Politics After the 2020 Elections: Biden Chases the Swing Vote. New York: Palgrave/MacMillan Press, 2022 (edited with Blandine Chelini-Pont and Marie Gayte).
Executive Privilege: Presidential Power, Secrecy and Accountability (4th edition). University Press of Kansas, 2020.
The Unitary Executive: A Danger to Constitutional Government. University Press of Kansas, 2020 (with Jeffrey Crouch, Mitchel A. Sollenberger).
Federalism: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019 (with Clyde Wilcox).
The South and the Transformation of U.S. Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019 (with Charles S. Bullock III, Susan MacManus, and Jeremy D. Mayer).
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics & Religion. Oxford University Press, 2019 (co-editor with P. Djupe, and T. Jelen).
Catholics and U.S. Politics after the 2016 Elections: Understanding the “Swing” Vote. New York: Palgrave/MacMillan Press, 2018 (edited with Blandine Chelini-Pont and Marie Gayte).
God at the Grass Roots, 2016: The Christian Right in American Elections. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018 (edited with Clyde Wilcox).
Religion and the American Presidency. New York: Palgrave/MacMillan Press, 2018 (revised and updated 3rd edition) (edited with Gleaves Whitney).
The President’s Czars: Undermining Congress and the Constitution. University Press of Kansas, 2012 (with Mitchel A. Sollenberger).
The Oxford Handbook of Southern Politics. Oxford University Press, 2012 (edited with Charles S. Bullock III).
Interest Groups in American Campaigns: The New Face of Electioneering. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012 (revised and updated 3rd edition) (with Clyde Wilcox and Michael Franz).
He has testified before Congress on several occasions on executive privilege issues and has lectured extensively in the U.S. and abroad. In recent years he has lectured in Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Macau, Malta, Poland, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and Vietnam.
Dean Rozell writes frequent op-ed columns in such publications as the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Washington Post . He is often asked to comment about his areas of expertise for print, online, and broadcast media.
He may be reached at [email protected] or 703-993-8171.